Traditional Acupuncture
Service Description
Acupuncture is a healing practice used for thousands of years. By consciously inserting and manipulating fine needles into specific energetic centers or points on the body, Acupuncture has been clinically proven to relieve pain, promote blood circulation and alleviate stress. Acupuncture aims to promote health and healing by restoring and enhancing the function of the body's natural processes. By recharging the energetic currants i.e. electromagnetic force within the body, the nervous system and consequently all other bodily systems are able to function more efficiently and effectively.
Cancellation Policy
For cancellations please contact us within 24 hours in order to avoid being charged for your treatment. Thank you for respecting our time as we will do our best to respect yours.
Contact Details
4747 Mission Blvd suite 1, San Diego, CA 92109, USA
420 Walnut Ave, San Diego, CA, USA